Using the Recommendations app on the Home page

Use the Recommendations app to find content from the different apps that might interest you. The app displays in the side column of the activity stream views.

About this task

The Recommendations app suggests content that might interest you based on your existing community membership, network connections, tags, and so on. The app displays a randomized list of public and private content that has been recently added or updated. The recommendations made are based on your relationship with existing public and private content. An icon next to each recommended item identifies which app the content is associated with. The app displays 15 recommendations by default.

The Recommendations app also provides information about the ways in which you are already connected to the content listed. For example, you can click the related tags link to see what tags you have in common with the suggested content. The tags that are displayed are tags that are associated with the recommended content and also associated with you in some way.

The Recommendations app only recommends content, it does not recommend people. Use the Do You Know app on the My Network page in Profiles when you want to get suggestions for people to add to your network.


Use the Recommendations app in the following ways.

  • If an item interests you, click the title to open the item and take a closer look.
  • Click the links under the items listed to find out more about how you are connected to that item. You can view related tags or related people to find out what you have in common with the recommended content.
  • Use the Previous and Next links to page through the recommendations and display more options.
  • To remove an item from the list of recommendations, click the Close icon icon next to the item.