Migrating Quickr for Domino places to Connections Content Manager libraries

Use the Quickr® for Domino® migration tool to migrate Quickr places to IBM® Connections Content Manager (CCM) libraries.

Before you begin

You need to determine which user to use for migration. The user must be from LDAP, be able to access both Connections and FileNet® successfully, and should be the administrator of FileNet.

About this task

The following items are covered by the migration tool.
  • A Quickr for Domino place will be migrated as a community in Connections.
  • Quickr for Domino place membership will be migrated to community.
  • A Quickr for Domino room will be migrated to CCM as folder, hierarchy will be preserved.
  • A Quickr for Domino folder will be migrated to CCM as folder, hierarchy will be preserved.
  • Quickr for Domino documents created from uploads, imports, pages, simple custom forms, and Microsoft office forms will be migrated to CCM.
  • The information of creator, last editor, created timestamp, last updated timestamp will be migrated with the documents and folders.
  • Versions and comments will be migrated together with the documents.
  • Simple custom forms will be migrated to CCM as document classes.
  • ACLs (Access Control Lists) will be migrated to CCM along with associated documents, folders, and rooms.
The following items are not covered by the migration tool:
  • Wiki and Blog places.
  • Task, Calendar, forum, list, link, or custom library.
  • Html forms and the documents based on the html forms Draft. All drafts need to be completed before migration.
  • Content in Trash.
  • Local members.
  • Workflow state. All workflows need to be completed before migration.
  • reply complete delete (classify)


Run the qptool migration command from the Domino console, for example:
load qptool migration -u <user> -pw <password> (-a | -p <place list> | -i <file>) [-o <file>]
Other options that can be used are as follows:
  • -? Print out this usage message.
  • -u <user> User name of the privileged account to execute the migration.
  • -pw <password> Password of the privileged account to execute the migration.
  • -a Perform the migration for all places on the server.
  • -p <name> <name> Space-separated list of places to perform the migration for.
  • -i <file> Input file specifying places to be migrated.
  • -o <file> Output file. (Default: qptool.migration.xml)
You could create an input xml file to batch migrate your places by using the -i parameter similar to the following example:
  1. Create C:\BatchMigratePlaces.xml.
  2. Replace "yourservername.ibm.com", "yourplacename1", and "yourplacename2" with your Quickr for Domino server name and place name.
  3. You can also create more <place> sections as needed to migrate more places.
  4. Enter the following command in the Domino console: load qptool migration -i C:\BatchMigratePlaces.xml -u username -pw password.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<action_status action="migration">
<action_status action="migration">


Information about a migration will be written to the Domino Server Console and also added to the <action_status> element in the qptool.migrate.xml file for each migrated place, for example:
<action_status> succeeded(or failed with fail reason) </action_status>