Configuring per-host proxy access rules for OpenSocial gadgets
Proxy access is configured on a per-gadget level. This configuration is distinct from the proxy configuration file in that it specifies which end points may be contacted rather than what tokens or headers may be sent. In general the proxy access is configured during gadget registration by setting the Server access setting to external (outside the SSO domain) or all server access. Beyond these two settings, an administrator may expand or restrict access further by specifying custom proxy or (in cases where they wish for extra security) may enumerate per-gadget-per-server (and even per user) custom proxy rules. Custom proxy rules are defined in a separate configuration file.
- denyAll(): block all requests
- MasterRule(): consult the widget DB and allow or deny the request based on the gadget administrative data. Registering a gadget with "custom" causes a deny() to be pushed onto the stack
- Any custom rules defined in proxy-policy.dynamic: Finally the proxy-policy.dynamic file is executed. This file contains additional allow/deny rules.
The "proxy-policy.dynamic" file is located in the under LotusConnections-config/opensocial-proxy-rules. Add rules as needed as described in this topic. Unlike other configuration files, an application or server restart is NOT needed to reload the file. File changes will be detected and acted upon with-in 10-15 seconds.
A rule consists of an Action, User, Target URL, and Component.- The Action represents the action to be taken by the proxy when processing this rule such as "Allow" and "Deny".
- The User represents a current user, and can be an anonymous user or system user, for example, the viewer or owner of a gadget.
- Target URL represents the target URL to access through the proxy.
- The Component represents the gadget that sends out the request.
- allow - Used to specify an ALLOW rule. This function takes three
- Current® user's UID
- Widget's URL - URL of the widget/gadget component that sends the request
- Target URL - the URL that the widget/gadget wants to access.
- deny - Used to specify a DENY rule. This function shares the same parameters as allow function.
- allowAll - A shortcut function to allow all requests.
- denyAll - A shortcut function to deny all requests.
- user: login-id of current user
- component : URL of the widget that sends the request
- targetUrl : the URL to access
allow('user1', '.*', '.*ibm\.com'); // user1 is allowed to access all URLs that end with
another example of a gadget that draws from Connections data, you
want to set a rule that only certain gadgets can communicate with
the internet. To accomplish this you could set a global rule to prevent
gadgets from connecting to and then make gadget- or
user-specific rules to permit particular gadgets to do so. Or you
can expose certain mail servers, but you might want extra protection
so that only certain gadgets can make a request to those servers./*
* Pre-defined variables that can be used in the script.
* _user -> Current user's UID
* _component -> Gadget URL
* _targetUrl -> Target URL to access
allowAll(); // this means allow('*', '*', '*')
allow('alex', 'http://myserver/gadget1.xml', '');
deny('alex', 'http://myserver/gadget1.xml', '');
deny('bob', 'http://myserver/gadget2.xml', '*');
deny('*', 'http://myserver/gadget3.xml', '*');
//denyAll(); // this means deny('*', '*', '*');
if (/\S+@\S+\.ibm\.com/i.test(_user)) { // Use regular expression
allow(_user, '*', '*'); //IBM users are allowed to access IBM sites