Object code control

These options affect the characteristics of the object code, preprocessed code, or other output generated by the compiler.

Table 1. Object code control options
Option name Description
-fcommon (-qcommon)

Controls where uninitialized global variables are allocated.

-qeh (C++ only)

Controls whether exception handling is enabled in the module being compiled.


Places instructions for each function in a separate section. Placing each function in its own section might reduce the size of your program because the linker can collect garbage per function rather than per object file.


When used with -O2 or higher optimization, inlines glue code that optimizes external function calls in your application.

-qpriority (C++ only)

Specifies the priority level for the initialization of static objects.


Indicates that the given list of registers cannot be used during the compilation except as a stack pointer, frame pointer or in some other fixed role.


Specifies the storage type for string literals.


Specifies the storage location for constant values.

-qrtti, -fno-rtti (-qnortti) (C++ only)

Generates runtime type identification (RTTI) information for exception handling and for use by the typeid and dynamic_cast operators.


Saves the command-line options used for compiling a source file, the user's configuration file name and the options specified in the configuration files, the version and level of each compiler component invoked during compilation, and other information to the corresponding object file.


Produces a nonexecutable output file to use as an input file in another ld command call. This file may also contain unresolved symbols.


Strips the symbol table, line number information, and relocation information from the output file.

The following options are supported by XL C/C++ for GCC compatibility. For details about these options, see the GNU Compiler Collection online documentation at http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/.
  • -fpack-struct
  • -fPIE, -fno-PIE
  • -fshort-wchar

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