Installing Big Match on Hortonworks sandbox VM instance (V11.5.0.4)

Use this procedure to install Big Match on a Hortonworks Data Platform sandbox VM instance.


  1. Start up the sandbox.
  2. Log in to the sandbox using ssh.
  3. Modify the /etc/httpd/conf.d/hue.conf file by adding the following line as the first entry inside the<VirtualHost *:80> element.
    Fix Pack
    ProxyPass /BIGMATCH !
  4. Run the following command:
    sudo apachectl restart
  5. Restart Ambari by navigating to the sandbox portal (hue) in a browser. The address is http://<sandbox ip>:8000. Toggle the disable/enable button to restart Ambari. It will show disabled when in the enabled state.

What to do next

Continue with the installation instructions in Installing and uninstalling Big Match Ambari service for Hortonworks (V11.5.0.5 and above).