Removing the Big Match service from Ambari (V11.5.0.5 to V11.5.0.10)

Use this procedure to remove the Big Match Ambari service from the Ambari server.

Before you begin

These steps should be taken only on a cluster that does not currently have Big Match service installed. For more information, see Uninstalling the Big Match Ambari service from your cluster (V11.5.0.5 and above).

About this task

Important: This topic covers removing the Big Match Service for Big Match V11.5.0.5 to V11.5.0.10. This procedure is not needed for V11.5.0.11 and above.

For information about installing or uninstalling Big Match V11.5.0.4, see Installing and uninstalling Big Match Ambari service for Hortonworks or IBM Open Platform (V11.5.0.4). For information about installing or uninstalling Big Match V11.5.0.3 and earlier, see Installing and uninstalling Big Match Ambari service for Hortonworks or IBM Open Platform (V11.5.0.3 and earlier).

To remove the Big Match Ambari service from the Ambari server, you must remove all of the bigmatch packages, including:
  • bigmatch-ambari-common.noarch
  • bigmatch-ambari-stack-hdp-2.6.noarch
  • bigmatch-ambari-stack-hdp-3.1.noarch


  1. Uninstall the bigmatch-ambari-common service and dependent bigmatch-ambari-stack-hdp-2.6 and bigmatch-ambari-stack-hdp-3.1 packages. Run the following command:
    yum remove bigmatch-ambari-common.noarch bigmatch-ambari-stack-hdp-2.6.noarch bigmatch-ambari-stack-hdp-3.1.noarch
    This command removes:
    • the /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/<version_number>/services/BIGMATCH folder
    • the Big Match repository from the /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/<version_number>/repos/repoinfo.xml file.
    Important: When uninstalling a Big Match version or earlier instance that was originally installed using offline mode, some additional cleanup may be necessary in the Ambari configuration to remove the Big Match repository server configurations. Complete these steps:
    1. On the Ambari Server node, navigate to the file /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/<stack_name>/<version_number>/repos/repoinfo.xml.
    2. Edit the file to remove the repo elements for the BIGMATCH-some_arch-build_id.
    Remember, there are multiple sections. For example, the elements that need to be removed might look like the following:
       <baseurl> http://<your.mirror.web.server>/repos/BIGMATCH</baseurl>
  2. Restart the Ambari server.
    ambari-server restart
    The Ambari user interface should no longer show the Big Match repository under Admin > Stack and Versions > Versions > Manage Versions > <HDP VERSION NAME> > Repositories