Automatically upgrading the database on Oracle

You can run madconfig upgrade-mdm-ae-db to perform an automatic upgrade of the MDM content on Oracle.

For IBM® InfoSphere® MDM Advanced Edition, a madconfig target can perform an automatic database upgrade from any version of InfoSphere MDM Server from version 8.5 onward. You must supply the version information for your current installation of InfoSphere MDM. The madconfig utility can then run the database upgrade steps required to increment from that version to the latest version of InfoSphere MDM. The madconfig utility is run from the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/mds/scripts directory. When you run madconfig upgrade-mdm-ae-db target, the utility runs upgrade scripts in the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/database/Upgrade/ directory, which contains the separate directories for each previous version. The folders contain SQL scripts for performing the upgrade for that version. The madconfig target runs the required scripts in sequence for each version.

With some MDM Server installations prior to version 10, the Event Manager data could be stored in a set of tables separate from the MDM content database. If your installation has Event Manager data stored in separate tables, merge the tables into the main schema before proceeding with the upgrade.

Also before proceeding with the upgrade you must manually edit the properties file to provide values that the madconfig target requires, including the workspace directory, preferred language, preferred industry, database type, database credentials, and so on. Look for the properties file in the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/mds/scripts directory.

Last updated: 22 Apr 2016