Operational server configuration

Three configuration files contain parameters that govern the behavior of the operational server. In addition, an environment variable provides more governance.


The configuration file is available at WAS_PROFILE_HOME/conf/com.ibm.mdm.mds.jni.cfg.
Table 1.
Parameter Description Default and examples
MAD_CALLBACKLIB Enables the operational server to call custom handlers (callback and event notification functions)

The operational server instance must be restarted after you modify this variable.

Set within com.ibm.mdm.mds.jni.cfg.

Microsoft Windows environment, set:

UNIX and Linux environment, set: libMPICBJAVA.so

MAD_DBXRESETIXNCNT When turned on, this variable allows the operational server to reconnect ODBC database connections after a configurable number of interactions are processed. By setting the MAD_DBXRESETIXNCNT property in the com.ibm.mdm.mds.jni.cfg configuration file or in the environment to a value greater than 0, you can control the frequency in which these connections are reset. For example, if you set the MAD_DBXRESETIXNCNT property to 1000, the connection is reset after each 1000 interactions. Default = 0 (not enabled)
MAD_DBXTEST When turned on, this variable causes the operational server to test long-held ODBC connections before use.

0 = False, 1 = True

Optional; default = 1 (true)
MAD_DICTIMEOUT In a multi-server environment, this setting is the maximum amount of time (in seconds) the operational server waits to check whether the dictionary segments in the database are different from the ones in its memory cache. If set to 0 (zero), the operational server checks every interaction. If set to -1, it never checks for change. Set within com.ibm.mdm.mds.jni.cfg. Default = 300 seconds
MAD_GNRCONFIG If your hub algorithm configuration uses GNRMETA, set this variable before you attempt to run any of the operational server utilities (for example, mpxdata). This variable must point to the GNR nameworks.config file contained within the GNM INSTALL/data directory.

For example, MAD_GNRCONFIG = C:\Program Files\IBM\GNM\data\nameworks.config

MAD_SRVNO MPINET server ID. This setting is a unique eight-digit identifier that is based on the system clock at the time of instance creation. Set within com.ibm.mdm.mds.jni.cfg. Optional, default = system time
MAD_ENTRECNOINCR The number of values that are cached for an entrecno during sequence generation. Setting this property decreases the number of database access attempts required to get the next entrecno. Optional; Default = 10
MAD_MEMRECNOINCR The number of values that are cached for a memrecno during sequence generation. Setting this property decreases the number of database access attempts required to get the next memrecno. Optional; Default = 10
MAD_RELLINKNOINCR The number of values that are cached for rellinkno during sequence generation. Setting this property decreases the number of database access attempts required to get the next rellinkno. Optional; Default = 10
MAD_TSKRECNOINCR The number of values that are cached for tskrecno during sequence generation. Setting this property decreases the number of database access attempts required to get the next tskrecno. Optional; Default = 10


The configuration file is available at WAS_PROFILE_HOME/conf/com.ibm.mdm.mds.net.logic.cfg.
Table 2.
Parameter Description Default and examples
contextPoolSize The thread count for the operational server. 2


The configuration files are available at WAS_PROFILE_HOME/conf/com.ibm.mdm.mds.callback.manager.cfg.
Table 3.
Parameter Description Default and examples
contextPoolSize The callback manager thread count for the operational server. 2

Environment variable

Like the configuration file parameters, the MAD_NOPGTSK environmental variable governs the behavior of the operational server. The MAD_NOPGTSK variable can be injected through the WebSphere® Application Server Administrative Console.
Table 4.
Environment variable Description Default and examples
MAD_NOPGTSK Disables a potential glue member task. When MAD_NOPGTSK is set to 1, T, or Y, the potential glue member task will not be created. Optional, default = false

Last updated: 2 Nov 2018