Begin Fix Pack 11.4.02 information

Files and directories

All of the language-related files are in the INSTALL_HOME/ directory.

Entity files

The hil_modules directory contains entity definitions such as MDM_Member/MDM_Member.hil and matching function definitions. The actual scripts are located under the identically named folders. Entities define the logical objects that are used as input and produced as output. All entities must be declared before they are used.
The Customer entity represents the format that is accepted by the high-level integration language deterministic matching. Customize this file only if the attributes required for matching change.
The MDM_Member entity represents the format of a member that is accepted by the probabilistic matching engine as part of the high-level integration language probabilistic flow. Whatever attributes are being matched on and manipulated in the algorithm must be present in the mdm_member.hil file. If you modify your PME algorithm, you must adjust this file to accommodate changes in the matching algorithm.
The MDM_Person entity represents the format of the Big Match exported entity. It must be customized in accordance to the Big Match schema.
The SDA_sentiment entity represents the format of the sentiment extraction information that is produced by the IBM® Accelerator for Social Data Analytics. It must be adjusted in the case where IBM Accelerator for Social Data Analytics output format changes.
The SDA_social_media_profile entity represents the format of the binary (sequence file) profile information that is produced by the IBM Accelerator for Social Data Analytics. It must be adjusted in the case where IBM Accelerator for Social Data Analytics output format changes.

High-level integration language files

The hil directory contains the flow files. Files are listed in the order that they are run and outline the flow of the Social MDM Matching application.
Converts Big Match profiles into the format that can be processed by deterministic rules. The script also preprocesses and prepares some attributes and statistics to be included in the flow. Edit this file to:
  • Customize mapping between Big Match profiles and customer data (deterministic matching format).
  • Collect extra entity-based statistics to be used in the matching process.
This script contains the deterministic rules of the high-level integration language process. Edit this file to:
  • Customize the existing deterministic rules and include new deterministic rules into the flow.
This script is responsible for converting Big Match entity profiles and IBM Accelerator for Social Data Analytics social profiles into the PME member format that can be processed by the probabilistic matching engine. Edit this file to:
  • Customize the parameters included into the probabilistic matching process.
This script is a template for the probabilistic flow. This script starts the data derivation comparison function from the PME algorithms. The flows use the attributes that are defined in the PME algorithm.
Important: Do not edit this file.
This script is responsible for post-processing the results of the probabilistic rules with deterministic filtering and combining the results of all matching rules within the flow. Edit this file to:
  • Include new probabilistic rules into the flow.
  • Customize threshold settings for probabilistic rules.
  • Customize existing deterministic filtering rules.
This script prepares data to be loaded into HBase tables, from which the Social UI can retrieve it. Edit this file to:
  • Include new attributes into the UI if they are not included by default or if the Social or Big Match profile structure is altered.
Each of the high-level integration language files previously mentioned have an associated .properties file. Property files define the inputs into the matching *.hil scripts. The property files need to be modified when a new input is added to the script. A single input binding is shown here in bold.
hil.jaql.bindings: { "SDA_TWProfile": { type: "text", filename: "IntegratedProfiles_Fused*"}, \
"CustomerData": { type: "sequence", filename: "ER/CustomerData.sequence"},\
"TW_Customer_Links": { type: "sequence", filename: "ER/TW_Customer_Links.sequence"}, \
"ScoredLinksRule02": { type: "sequence", filename: "PME/algorithms/social/rule02/output/ScoredLinks.sequence"},\
"ScoredLinksRule05": { type: "sequence", filename: "PME/algorithms/social/rule05/output/ScoredLinks.sequence"},\
"ScoredLinksRule09": { type: "sequence", filename: "PME/algorithms/social/rule09/output/ScoredLinks.sequence"} }

Last updated: 25 Jun 2015
End Fix Pack 11.4.02 information