Event notification XML message

A standard XML event notification message contains broadcast information, plus the MDS event content. Use the information in this topic as a reference when customizing your standard XML messages. You must be familiar with your data schema and standard XML.

All XML messages are enclosed in an <MDSBroadcast> element. The information within the <BroadcastHeader> contains locale and timezone information.

The body of the event is contained within the <MDSEvent> element. Within this element, <EventHeader> is the only constant element for all event types. There are two fields in <EventHeader> that are always provided: evtType and triggerEvtType. The evtType element represents the event type and triggerEvtType is the event that caused the evtType message to be generated. For example, a Member Created event triggers an Entity Created event.
<evtType>ENTITY CREATED</evtType>
<triggerEvtType>MEMBER CREATED</triggerEvtType>
The remaining elements in the <EventHeader> are optional based on the information that users of the downstream system require. Using an Entity Updated event example, typical fields that are included are:
  • <entType> - entity type
  • <evtType> - event type, for example ENTITY UPDATED
  • <evtCreateDateTime> - the date and time the event was created in the MDM database
  • <audRecNo> - the audit record number from the MDM operational server
  • <triggerId> - the source ID of the member that triggered the event
  • <triggerMemRecno> - the member record number that triggered the event
  • <triggerAudRecno> - the audit record number of the member that triggered the event
  • <triggerUserName> - the user account name that is associated with the interaction that triggered the event
  • <msgCheckSum > - a hash value of the attribute values that are in the XML; this hash value is created with IBM® proprietary algorithms and is used in determining duplicate messages
Following the <EventHeader> are the MDM operational server object elements: <MDSObjectType= >. The object type is typically "Entity" or "Member" (but not limited to these two values), followed by "View". Each object type has an <ObjHeader> and <ObjData> element. The contents of <ObjHeader> and <ObjData> are configurable. For example:
<MDSObject Type="Entity">
		<Field Name="entRecno">15</Field>
		<Field Name="entType">id</Field>
		<Field Name="memCount">3</Field>
		<Field Name="member">RMC:111111111</Field>
		<Field Name="member">ARH:222222222</Field>
		<Field Name="member">RMC:333333333</Field>

The <Field Name=" "> value is the field from the MDM database that you want included in the message.

The "View" object type describes the composite view that is associated with the event type. In this node, the <ObjHeader> contains the name of the view, the view type (member or entity), and the member type with which the view is associated. If the event type does not have a composite view that is configured, then the "View" object type is not part of the message. The <ObjData> node contains the member attribute values within the <MDSObjectType="Attribute"> node.

If you configured the Entity Updated event type to include relationship information, an <MDSObject Type="Relationship"> node is included in the message. An Entity Updated event is generated for every Relationship Create (IxnRelCreate) and Relationship Delete (IxnRelDelete) interaction, and for each updated relationship. This example shows a sample relationship object.
<MDSObject Type="Relationship">
		<Field Name="relType">boss</Field>
		<Field Name="relName">boss of</Field>
		<Field Name="relLinkno">724</Field>
		<Field Name="relSeqno">1</Field>
		<Field Name="entRecnoLeft">984</Field>
		<Field Name="entRecnoRight">986</Field>
		<Field Name="entTypeLeft">id</Field>
		<Field Name="entTypeRight">id</Field>
		<Field Name="rulerecno">0</Field>
		<Field Name="relflag">Y</Field>
		<MDSObject Type="RelAttribute">
					<Field Name="relattrCode">RELATTR</Field>
					<Field Name="relLinkno">724</Field>
					<Field Name="relAttrRecno">13</Field>
					<Field Name="relSeqno">1</Field>
					<Field Name="caudRecno">1499</Field>
					<Field Name="maudRecno">1499</Field>
					<Field Name="fld1">dateVal>2012/06/24 12:17:11</Field>

Last updated: 23 October 2014