Rich text editor overview

You use the rich text editor to customize the format, colors and various other kinds of features to text associates with an attribute that is of type Rich Text. You can use the native rich text editor shipped with the product or you can use a rich text editor of your choice.

You can enrich master data using a rich text editor by editing an object as it would be presented.

Depending on how you want to use a rich text editor, there are multiple ways to access it. In the Simplified Single Edit screen, you can click the F2 button. In the Multi Edit screen, Single Edit screen and the Rich Edit Single Edit, the rich text editor opens as a pop-up when you focus on the field or when you double-click the entry.
Note: Ensure that the rich text attribute values are valid HTML content. If invalid HTML content is provided, the content may not display correctly.
Note: If the value of a rich text attribute is specified through the use of the editor provided in the product graphical user interface, the HTML content will always be of correct form. Invalid HTML content can be introduced only if the value of the rich text attribute is set through the script operations or a Java extension point. In such situations, you need to correct the script or the Java program to ensure HTML of the correct form is used.

Last updated: 23 May 2018