docstore_mount.xml file

The docstore_mount.xml file defines the location of your OS file system mount points and how to handle incoming data in the Document Store.


You can mount the file system directories, ftp and public_html to the Document Store.

The ftp and public_html are defined in the docstore_mount.xml configuration file to provide the location of your OS file system mount points.

File location

The docstore_mount.xml file is located in $TOP/etc directory.


The $supplier_base_dir/ file system directory, file_Directory, is acquired from the supplier_base_dir parameter in the file. The $supplier_ftp_dir/ real file path directory, real_File_Path_Directory, is constructed with the following string:

ftp_root_dir + "/" + current_company_code/

Where ftp_root_dir is a parameter in the file, whose value is appended to the current company code to form the real file path directory: real_File_Path_Directory.

You can specify the inbound attribute as true or false. The inbound attribute must be set to true for the Document Store to flag a directory in the file system as inbound, and to handle incoming data. When a directory is flagged as inbound, any new files copied to the inbound directory will automatically be displayed in the Document Store.

1: <mnts>
  2:     <mnt doc_path="file_Directory" real_path="real_File_Path_Directory" inbound="yes_OR_no"/>
  3: </mnts>


In this example, the ftp system directory is mounted to $supplier_ftp_dir/ and public_html is mounted to $supplier_base_dir/.

1: <?xml version="1.0">
  2: <mnts>
  3:     <mnt doc_path="/public_html/" real_path="$supplier_base_dir/" inbound="yes"/>
  4:     <mnt doc_path="/ftp/" real_path="$supplier_ftp_dir/" inbound="yes"/>
  5: </mnts>