Overview of integration services

An integration service is a service that you use to integrate with an external system, such as InfoSphere® MDM. MDM Application Toolkit contains a set of integration services that are used to handle MDM services and service tokens.

An integration service is the only type of service that can contain a Java or Web Service integration. You can call an integration service from any other type of service and an integration service can call other nested services.

MDM Application Toolkit includes a set of integration services. Some of these integration services are for general purposes. Other integration services support a specific coach view or process application.

The following sections describe the type and purpose of the built-in integration services.

MDM entity services

Important: As of version, the MDM entity services are deprecated. Use the MDM Hierarchy services and coach view instead.

MDM Application Toolkit contains a set of integration services that are used handle MDM entity services and service tokens.

Table 1. MDM entity integration services
Integration service Description
Delete MDM Entity Service Deletes and releases resources that are allocated for a MDM entity service.
Get All MDM Entity Services Returns a list of the MDM entity services.
MDM Entity Service Exists Determines if the MDM entity service exists on the IBM BPM. Returns a Boolean value.
Obtain MDM Entity Service Secures a MDM entity service and returns a service token representing that MDM entity service.
Get MDM Entity The Get MDM Entity integration service retrieves entity data from the operational server.

CRUD services

MDM Application Toolkit contains a set of integration services that handle Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) types of activities against business objects. For example, a Virtual MDM Person business object or a Physical MDM TCRMPersonBObj business object.

This group of integration services also includes a Search service.

Table 2. CRUD and Search integration services
Integration service Description
MDM Create Interacts with the operational server to create an object.
MDM Delete Interacts with the operational server to delete an object.
MDM Get Interacts with the operational server to retrieve an object.
MDM Search Interacts with the operational server to search for objects.
MDM Update Interacts with the operational server to update an object.

Services for the MDM Hierarchy coach view

Table 3. MDM Hierarchy integration services
Integration service Description
Save MDM Hierarchy Changes Updates the Physical MDM operational server with changes that a user makes to the hierarchy. The user makes the updates in the MDM Hierarchy coach view.

Services for the MDM_Tree coach view

Important: As of version, the MDM_Tree services are deprecated. Use the MDM Hierarchy services and coach view instead.
Table 4. MDM Tree integration services
Integration service Description
Save Physical Tree Updates the Physical MDM operational server with changes that a user makes to the entity data. The user makes the updates in the MDM Tree coach view.
Save Virtual Tree Updates the Virtual MDM operational server with changes that a user makes to the entity data. The user makes the updates in the MDM Tree coach view.

Services for Virtual Suspected Duplicate process applications

Although these integration services are designed for the process application in IBM® Stewardship Center, you can use these integration services independently.

Table 5. Suspected duplicate integration services for Virtual MDM
Integration service Description
Get Virtual Members for Task Retrieves all member records that are associated with a given task in the MDM Virtual engine.
Is Virtual SDP Task Resolved? Queries the MDM Virtual engine to determine if a task is resolved.
Resolve Virtual SDP Tasks Uses the MDM_SDV_Change_History business object to update the operational server with the changes that are necessary to resolve the suspected duplicates task.

Services for Physical MDM transactions

These integration services are used for Physical MDM transactions.

Table 6. Physical MDM transaction integration services
Integration service Description
Physical MDM Get Date Format Provides a method to retrieve the date time format from the Physical MDM operational server.
Physical MDM Composite Txn Provides a method to invoke a Physical MDM composite transaction from within IBM Business Process Manager.
Physical MDM Inquiry Provides a method to invoke a Physical MDM inquiry from within IBM Business Process Manager.
Physical MDM Txn Provides a method to invoke a Physical MDM transaction from within IBM Business Process Manager.
Physical MDM XML Response Provides a method to invoke a Physical MDM Transaction from within IBM Business Process Manager, but returns the XML instead of a MDM business object.

Services for enumerated types

These integration services are used for enumerated data types (EDT).

Table 7. Enumerated data type integration services
Integration service Description
Physical MDM Get Options Returns a list of options for the enumerated data type that is specified.
Virtual MDM Get Options Returns a list of options for the enumerated data type that is specified.

Last updated: 8 Sep 2015