Force-directed graphing

To visually understand the scoring between pairs of members, you can view all of the members within an entity as a force-directed graph. The graph identifies the glue members and potentially identifies which entities to decompose into subentities.


  1. Open an entity tab.
  2. Click the Members Graph subtab. A force-directed graph is displayed. The graph displays the current member scores that are above the auto-link threshold. The auto-links are represented by dashed lines and the rules are identified by solid lines. The line label equals the matching score between the two members; the node label equals the srcCode:memIdnum of a member.
  3. In the force-directed graph you can perform these actions:
    • Zoom in or out
    • Drag Member nodes
    • Revise the graph to display fewer or more connections:
      1. Enter a lower or higher number in the Minimum Score text box.
      2. Select or clear Always Show Rules, which identifies whether to show the rules if the score is less than the identified Minimum Score.
      3. Click Filter to rebuild the graph.

      The revised force-directed graph displays with fewer or more connections.

    • View the score between any two of members within the current entity:
      1. In Record 1 text box, type the srcCode:memIdnum for the first record.
      2. In Record 2 text box, type the srcCode:memIdnum for the second record.
      3. Click Show Score.

      The connection and score between the two members is highlighted.

    • Compare any two members within the current entity:
      1. In Record 1 text box, type the srcCode:memIdnum for the first record.
      2. In Record 2 text box, type the srcCode:memIdnum for the second record.
      3. Click Compare.

Last updated: 23 October 2014