
This transaction allows a user to update the household member indicator to Y for yes or N for no.
Web Services
Operation name: updateHouseholdMember
Service name: PartyService
John Smith is no longer a member of the Smith household (he moved to Peru). Change his household status to 'N'.
Usage information
A household represents a group of parties that reside at a given address.

A value of N indicates that the party is not a member of the household at that address but uses the address. A value of Y indicates that the party is a member of the household and uses that address.

Party address must exist.

Party must exist.

Mandatory input
  • LastUpdateDate
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
This transaction provides a mechanism for grouping parties and the definition and usage of a 'household' is implementation specific.
Request message
<TCRMTxType> updateHouseholdMember

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMHouseholdBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMHouseholdBObj

Response objects
TCRMHouseholdBObj with updated MemberId, LastUpdateDate, and LastUpdateUser
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018