
This transaction retrieves the recorded details of a specific task chain, including task comments.
Web Services
Operation name: getTaskChain
Service name: DWLBusinessServices
Retrieve the basic information of the tasks within a given task chain, including their entity associations.

Retrieve all the task comments of the tasks within a specific task chain.

Usage information
There are two inquiry levels for this transaction.
Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • ProcessId
  • InquiryLevel
Inquiry levels
  • Level 0 – returns the latest updated version of task instances contained within a given task chain and the instancePK of any associated entities.
  • Level 1 – returns level 0 data plus all recorded task comments related to the task instances contained in the given task chain.
Attention: If the InquiryLevel is provided, but is empty, then level 0 data will be returned by default.
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Entity descriptions are not returned.

All task comments, whether they are related to specific task actions or not, are returned with the task details.

Request message
<InquiryType> getTaskChain


     <tcrmParam name = "ProcessId">

     <tcrmParam name = "InquiryLevel">

Response objects
A list of TaskBObj objects, with details based on the InquiryLevel value:
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018