
This inquiry transaction returns details of multiple parties with all child business object collections and selected party associations aligned based on business keys. It can be used in both physical MDM and hybrid MDM implementations.
Web Services
Operation name: getComparativeEntities
Service name: CrossDomainServices
A member of a Data Governance team would like to preview and compare a deleted party with active parties before deciding to move supplemental attributes from the deleted party to the active parties.
Usage information

You can use this to preview and compare two or more parties and party associations based on the business keys of the MDM business objects. It orders, and therefore allows for the alignment of, all the child object collections and selected party associations across the parties by ensuring that the child objects with the same business keys appear at the same index for each party. If one party does not have such a child object to match the business keys of the other parties, an empty child object is created to make sure all child objects are aligned properly across different parties.

Parties can be retrieved based on:
  • PartyId
  • A specified external administrative system party ID
  • EntityType and EntityId with hybrid MDM enabled

Parties can be retrieved from physical MDM or virtual MDM using a hybrid MDM implementation. As an additional alternative, you can pass in pre-populated parties and party associations directly in order to compare them with other parties retrieved from MDM implementations.

Parties with inquiry parameters and party associations are wrapped in ComparativeEntityBObj. ComparativeEntityBObj instances are included into ComparativeEntityListBObj. InquiryLevel is optional and applicable to all parties; it is set within ComparativeEntityListBObj. If InquiryLevel is not provided, InquiryLevel 4 is used for all parties. ComparePartyAssociationsIndicator indicates whether party associations need to be retrieved for comparison: like InquiryLevel, it is an optional input that is set within ComparativeEntityListBObj. By default, party associations are not retrieved for comparison except when ComparePartyAssociationsIndicator is set to Y or y.

The following party associations are implemented by default. You can modify them by customizing the external rule, ComparativeEntitesRule:
  • TCRMContractPartyRoleBObj
  • TCRMClaimPartyRoleBObj
  • ProductPartyRoleBObj
  • TCRMPartyRelationshipRoleBObj
  • DWLGroupingAssociationBObj
  • TCRMPartyGroupingRoleBObj
  • TCRMPartyMacroRoleBObj

If the parties are pre-populated in a request, the party instances must all be either TCRMPersonBObj or TCRMOrganizationBObj. Additionally, PopulatedIndicator must be set to Y or y. Otherwise, pre-populated parties are ignored and retrieved from the MDM implementations again.

At least two ComparativeEntityBObj instances wrapped with a party respectively are required for comparison.

Hybrid MDM mode must be enabled if comparing entities in hybrid MDM.
Mandatory input
  • Two ComparativeEntityBObj instances, each wrapped with a party
  • Each party can be specified in one of four ways:
    • PartyId: Retrieve the party by using the specified partyId.
    • AdminSystemType and AdminPartyId: Retrieve the party by the external administrative system party identifier.
    • EntityType and EntityId: Retrieve the party by the configured composite view of the party in hybrid MDM.
    • Pre-populated: With this option, the party data are pre-populated in the request.
Inquiry levels
Optional. The Inquiry Level is set to 4 by default if a value is not provided. For details, see the getParty, getPartyByAdminSyskey, and getPartyByEntityId transactions.
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
This transaction retrieves parties using internal transactions (either getParty, getPartyByAdminSysKey, or getPartyByEntityId) at the MDM component level. It then compares and aligns party child objects. If ComparePartyAssociationsIndicator is set to Y or y, the selected party associations are retrieved for comparison and alignment as well.
If the ComparePartyAssociationsIndicator is not supplied, the default value is N.
If the PopulatedIndicator is not supplied, the default value is N.
Request message

<TCRMTxType> getComparativeEntities

<TCRMTxObject> ComparativeEntityListBObj

<TCRMObject> ComparativeEntityListBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018