
This inquiry transaction returns all privacy preference objects for the party's contact method.
Web Services
Operation name: getAllPartyContactMethodPrivacyPreferences
Service name: PartyService
John Smith uses his e-mail address for all contract correspondence and has chosen to use this e-mail address for soliciting and sharing. Also, if there are any different state or provincial legislation for privacy regulations, this information is returned in inquiry level 1. Specifically, for the level 1 inquiry, the transaction returns the party address privacy preferences and the institution's state defaults.
Usage information
The filter controls which party contact method privacy preferences, and whether active party contact method privacy preferences or inactive party contact method privacy preferences are returned in the response.

This transaction does not support the Pagination feature.

Not applicable
Mandatory input
  • LocationGroupId of the privacy preference object being queried, Inquiry level, Filter
Inquiry levels
  • Level 0 - returns the party address privacy preference details.
  • Level 1 - returns level 0 information plus any default settings that an institution might have. This is dependent on the implementation of an external rule; the java implementation of this external rule is
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
Not applicable
Request message
<InquiryType> getAllPartyContactMethodPrivacyPreferences

<tcrmParam name= "locationGroupId">

<tcrmParam name= "inquiryLevel">

<tcrmParam name= "filter">

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018