
This transaction can be used to delete the historical Party records.
Web Services
Operation name: deletePartyHistory
Service name: PartyService
Remove the Party's History after deleting the Party record from Operational System.

Remove only the historical data for John Smith while maintaining the record in the Operational System.

Usage information
Transaction applies to both Person and Organizations, active or inactive.

A Party's history cannot be deleted if its Do Not Delete Indicator (DND) value does not allow it:

  • If DND is blank or zero, neither operational or history data can be deleted.
  • If DND is 1, both operational and history data can be deleted.
  • If DND is 2, only party history can be deleted.
  • If DND is 3, only operational data can be deleted.

Do not include a value for the PartyActiveIndicator in the request. This value is determined by the MDM operational server and will be included in the transaction return. This sets the PartyActiveIndicator apart from other indicators such as AlertIndicator, SolicitationIndicator, and ConfidentialIndicator.

Party must exist or must have existed in the Operational System.
Mandatory input
  • PartyId
Inquiry levels
Not applicable
Filter values
Not applicable
Transaction behavior
  • Delete Party History is removing the historical records for the Party and Party Child Entities.
  • The external rule that regulates the deletePartyHistory transaction is:
  • Rule Id 93 - This external rule is invoked by both the deletePartyHistory and deletePartyWithHistory transactions and it controls the deletion of the party and children object history information.
  • For more details on the Delete External Rules refer to the IBM® InfoSphere® Master Data Management Developer Guide.
  • This transaction does not delete historical records for Party Associated Entities.
  • The deleted information is not returned in the response. Rather, when the transaction is successful, a confirmation message is returned indicating that the party's history information has been deleted.
  • When the Party exists in the Operational System and when the dB is configured with Compound Triggers the last updated record of the Party in History will be preserved.
  • The historical records for a Party (inactive) that was the source for a collapse process can not be deleted.
Request message
TCRMTxType> deletePartyHistory

<TCRMTxObject> TCRMPartyBObj

<TCRMObject> TCRMPartyBObj

Response objects
Special note
Not applicable

Last updated: 5 Jun 2018