Adapting the DFDL mapping sample for delta data loads

While this sample is intended for use with initial data loads, you can adapt it to support delta load scenarios using party maintenance transactions.

Note: For more information on party maintenance transactions, see Working with Party maintenance services.

As a prerequisite, you must deploy the party maintenance sample. The combination of the two samples will enable you to resolve incoming person data. Based on the source system and source key values, you will be able to determine whether an incoming person is an existing person in the system or a new person.

To map the delimited data format to use the maintainParty transaction instead of addPerson, modify the standard DFDL mapping sample as follows:

  1. Open the file in the transform folder.
  2. Locate TCRMService/TCRMTx/TCRMTxType in the target.
  3. In Assign mapping against this field, change the assigned value from addPerson to maintainParty.

Last updated: 13 Sep 2017