Rule IDs

Each rule that has been implemented is listed in the EXTRULE table, completely independent of its implementation. This table assigns the rule ID.
The EXTRULE table assigns rule IDs
The rule ID is then mapped to a specific implementation in the EXTRULEIMPLEM table. This table maps the rule ID to an external rule implementation ID, specifies whether the rule is currently in force (active), and whether it is a rules engine (R) or Java™ (J) implementation. The rule location, an IBM Operational Decision Manager rule location, for example, and the rule engine type together specify how the rule is to be executed.
The EXTRULEIMLEM table maps the rule IDs to external rule implementation IDs
The rule type and external rule implementation ID point to the required rule, either in the JAVAIMPL:
The JAVAIMPL table points the rule type and external rule implementation ID to the required Java rule
or the RULEENGINEIMPL table:
The RULEENGINGEIMPL table points the rule type and external rule implementation ID to the required rule
  • Records in RULEENGINEIMPL table, are not run if EXTRULEIMPLEM has the implementation changed to Java rules.
  • Similarly, rules implemented in Java do not require any configuration in the RULEENGINEIMPL table because these do not make use of a rules engine.