Installing the core database manually on Microsoft SQL Server

Use this procedure to install the full core database manually on Microsoft SQL Server.

About this task

Before you start the installation, read about manual installation of the physical MDM database.


  1. Go to the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/database/CoreData/Full/SQL Server/ddl directory.
  2. Edit all of the scripts in this directory by replacing the placeholder values with the values you want to use in your database. Change the following placeholders:
    • db_name to the name of the database
    • MDMSEFG to the name of the filegroup
    • Logical_FG_Namex to the name of the new file to be added to the filegroup and where x is a number starting from 1 if more than one filegroup must be created or added
    • location to the location of the filegroup “file”; for example:
      • Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2: C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER/MSSQL/DATA
      • Microsoft SQL Server 2012: C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/MSSQL11.DBSQL2/MSSQL/DATA
    • dbuser to a database object owner
    • password to the dbuser password
    • schema to the object owner
    • CODE_LANG to the language of any additional code table data to be loaded, for example: for Japanese, use ja or for French, use fr
    • CONFIG_LANG to the configuration language to be used; for example, for English, use en or for French, use fr
    • DTYPE to the type of data to be loaded; specify one of the following values in lowercase: banking; insurance, manufacturing, telco
    • mds_home to the location of your virtual MDM operational server
    • datasource_name to the name of your database
    • dbadmin user to the name of the database user
    • dbadmin password to the password for your database user
  3. From the command line in the MDM_INSTALL_HOME/database/CoreData/Full/SQL Server/ddl directory, run the commands in the order that they are listed.
    1. Sqlcmd –S Server Name-U dbadmin user-P dbadmin password-i Create_DB.sql > logfile name
    2. Sqlcmd –S Server Name -U dbuser -P password -d db_name -i CreateTables.sql > logfile name
    3. Sqlcmd –S Server Name -U dbuser -P password -d db_name -i CreateFK.sql > logfile name
    4. Sqlcmd –S Server Name -U dbuser -P password-d db_name -i CreateIndexes.sql > logfile name
    5. Sqlcmd –S Server Name -U dbuser -P password -d db_name -i CreateCHK.sql > logfile name
  4. Use IBM® Installation Manager to load the data. On the features to install panel, select MDM database.