Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Preparing to deploy InfoSphere MDM patterns

Before you can deploy InfoSphere® MDM on IBM® PureSystems®, you must first download the InfoSphere MDM installation packages, prepare the database, and import the patterns into IBM PureApplication® System.


  1. Download the InfoSphere MDM patterns for IBM PureApplication System.
    Note: Use the Download IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management page to help determine the part number of the package that you need to download, depending on your licensed edition and version.
  2. Prepare the database according to the virtual system pattern that you are deploying:
    • If you are deploying the MDM Basic Pattern, no database preparation is required. The basic pattern includes full automation for DB2® database creation.
    • If you are deploying the MDM for DB2 pureScale® or IBM PureData™ System for Transactions pattern, create an empty database and schema. During deployment, the pattern will automatically create the InfoSphere MDM tables and load the gold data into the database that you create during this step.
    • If you are deploying the MDM for DB2 on z/OS® pattern:
      Tip: For details about these steps, see the database creation concepts and tasks referenced in the related topics links at the end of this task.
      1. Create an empty DB2 for z/OS database and schema.
      2. Create the InfoSphere MDM tables.
      3. Manually populate the database with gold data.
      4. If you intend to use WebSphere® Application Server Embedded Messaging instead of WebSphere Message Queue, add SIB tables to the database.
        Tip: For information about adding SIB tables, follow the instructions in the WebSphere Application Server documentation to export the necessary DDL.
  3. Use the command line interface (CLI) to import the InfoSphere MDM patterns into IBM PureApplication System:
    1. If you do not have CLI installed, download it from the IBM Workload Deployer welcome page, then unpackage the compressed file to a known directory. This creates a directory that is named deployer.cli.
    2. Open a command line or shell in this directory.
    3. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set:
      • On Microsoft Windows:
        set JAVA_HOME=<JAVA JDK installation directory>
      • On Linux:
        export JAVA_HOME=<JAVA JDK installation directory>
    4. Run the following command to import each InfoSphere MDM pattern:
      bin\deployer -h $IPADDRESS -a -u $USERID -p $USERPWD -f
      samples\ -s $PATTERN_LOC\$PATTERN_NAME
      • $IPADDRESS is the IP address of the PureSystems server.
      • $USERID is the user ID defined on the PureSystems server.
      • $USERPWD is the password for the PureSystems user ID.
      • $PATTERN_LOC is the location to which the patterns were unpackaged.
      • $PATTERN_NAME is the name of the pattern that you are importing.
  4. If your deployment uses LDAP authentication, your WebSphere Application Server administrative user name must be authenticated by the LDAP server before you deploy the pattern.

Last updated: 27 June 2014