Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 11.3

Interacting with InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server by using the UI

IBM® InfoSphere® Master Data Management Collaboration Server is a web-based application that is accessible by using Internet Explorer version 9 or 10 with access to the web or application server where InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server is installed.

Note: If Internet Explorer version 10 is used, you need to enable the compatibility view. Perform the following steps to enable the compatibility view:
  1. Open the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server user interface login page.
  2. Press F12 or select F12 Developer Tools from Internet Explorer settings icon button.
  3. From the Browser Mode top menu item, select Internet Explorer 10 Compatibility View.
  4. Dismiss the Developer Tools window.
  5. Continue working with InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server.
After the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server login, the home page appears with the left pane access, the collaboration console, and the menu bar with access to all of the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server PIM modules. The left pane access bar can be configured to view bookmarks, selections, last visited, catalogs, and more. The user interface can be further customized by using the My Settings component. Each of the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server modules is aligned with a users role and responsibility. The following list defines each module:
Product Manager module
You can manage content from multiple sources and audiences. You can provide customer-focused content. This module is designed for users who manage product information everyday such as content managers, product managers, and pricing specialists.
Collaboration Manager module
You can import into and export information from InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server. You can view the list of files that are stored in the document store, create workflows, and manage workflows. This module is designed for business process analysts who set up the data module and business rules for content managers.
Data Model Manager module
You can manage scheduled activities, alerts, and external communication. You can create and edit specifications and mappings, administer users, roles, privileges, and view and create scripts. This module is designed for business process analysts who set up the data module and business rules for content managers.
System Administrator module
You can use the functional tools that are available to troubleshoot and maintain the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server application. You can review configuration settings, application performance measurements, view various log files, and system status information. This module is designed for system administrators who are responsible for the operation of InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server application and related services.

Last updated: 3 Jul 2014