Information Management IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management, Version 10.1

Member score

In Good Health Hospital, no patient data can be centrally located. The hospital still wants to match a record from the registration system with records from other systems, such as Get Well Hospital.

Good Health Hospital retrieves potential candidates from each system using another method and uses an IxnMemScore interaction object to compare the likelihood of a match of records from these other systems with the registration system record.

You can use IxnMemScore to obtain a matching score between two members (neither of which are required to be known in the Hub database). The output member row list contains the memhead objects in the same order they were passed in, with the match score set. The match score on the first memhead object is the first member scored against itself.

Note: The engine requires memRecno order for optimized processing. If you are coding a process in which you need to score each member against every other member using the IxnMemScore interaction, create a memRowList representing each candidate. After each execution of IxnMemScore, shift the memRecno for each row in each rowList. Then build the input rowList for the next MemScore execution in order, based on the newly assigned memRecnos.


Timestamp Last updated: 16 Aug 2012

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