IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager, Version 3.0

Restoring rollover certificates and key groups

Rollovers that are configured for LTO key groups and 3592 certificates are not automatically restored from the earlier versions. To specify these rollovers manually in version 3.0, use the rollover file scheduledTasks.txt, which is created in the <WAS_HOME>/products/sklm/config directory during restore process.


  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Go to the following directory.
  3. Run the following command.
    Run the recreatetask.bat utility.
    <SKLM_HOME>\config\scheduledTasks.txt <Logfile> <SKLM_INSTALL_HOME>
    Run the utility.
    <SKLM_HOME>/config/scheduledTasks.txt <Logfile> <SKLM_INSTALL_HOME>
    Where <Logfile> is the log file name to which the log information is written, for example:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\products\sklm\logs\rolloverlogs.txt

    <SKLMADMIN_USER> and <SKLMADMIN_PASSWD> are IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager administrator user ID and the password.

    For the definitions of <WAS_HOME>, <SKLM_HOME>, and <SKLM_INSTALL_HOME>, see Definitions for HOME and other directory variables.

    Note: On Windows operating systems, you must add double slash in the path and specify the path within double quotation marks if the path contains spaces, for example,
    recreatetask.bat "C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere\\AppServer" SKLMAdmin SKLMAdminPwd 
    "C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\products\\sklm\\config\\scheduledTasks.txt" 
    "C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\WebSphere\\AppServer\\products\\sklm\\logs\\rolloverlogs.txt" "C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\SKLMV30"