Configuration profile check for enhanced detail view

If you are using a customized configuration profile, WSRR must check that the profile can support the use of the enhanced detail view in the dashboard.

WSRR checks your configuration profile when you log in to the dashboard.

If the check fails, the check box that you use to enable the enhanced detail view is grayed out and unavailable. For information about resolving this issue, see Troubleshooting a failure.

For the check to pass, your configuration profile must include the classes listed in the following table.

Class URI Required Relationships Notes
Business Capability
Versions (gep63_capabilityVersions) There must be at least one concrete subclass or descendant class. (A descendant class is a sub class, or sub-sub class, or sub-sub-class, and so on.)
Capability Version

Provides Web Services (gep63_providedWebServices)  
Consumes (SLA) (gep63_consumes)  
Provides (SLD) (gep63_provides)

There must be at least one concrete subclass or descendant class.
Service Level Definition

Available Operations (gep63_availableOperations)
Service Interface (gep63_serviceInterface)
Available Endpoints (gep63_availableEndpoints)
Bound Web Service Port (gep63_boundWebServicePort)

There must be at least one concrete subclass or descendant class.
Service Level Agreement
Agreed Endpoints (gep63_agreedEndpoints) There must be at least one concrete subclass or descendant class.
Service Endpoint
SOAP Service Endpoint

Source Document  (sm63_sourceDocument)
WSDL Ports (sm63_wsdlPorts)

The SOAP Service Endpoint class must be concrete
REST Service Interface

Troubleshooting a failure

If the check fails, the first reason for the failure is output to the web browser console. An example message is as follows:
The Enhanced Details View check did not pass for the type "
v6r3/GovernanceEnablementModel#BusinessCapability", relationships: [gep63_capabilityVersions], type must be concrete: false, sub class must be concrete: true.

This message indicates that the check failed for the type Business Capability. As listed in the preceding table, for the Business Capability class, the relationship gep63_capabilityVersions is required, the class does not have to be concrete, and there must be at least one concrete subclass or descendant class. The message indicates that one of these checks failed.

To determine which check failed, examine your configuration profile in WSRR Studio and check the class indicated.