Subscribing to email subscription notifications

You subscribe to email subscription notifications if you want event notification messages to be sent to a specified email address.

About this task

Note: If you used the email notification service in a version of WSRR before version 7.5, and you upgrade to WSRR V8.5, your configuration settings are migrated automatically to the new email subscription notification configuration, and email notification messages will continue to be generated after you have completed your upgrade; for more information, see Upgrade considerations if you are using the email notification service.
To subscribe to email subscription notifications, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Configure a mail session in the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
  2. Enable the subscription notifier scheduler.
  3. Ensure that JMS notification is enabled.
  4. Create an email subscription object for each user who would like to receive notification emails.
  5. Optionally, you can configure the email templating feature to customize the layout of the email notification messages.
These steps are described in the following subtopics: