Subscription notifier

You use a subscription notifier to send a notification message automatically when a user operation takes place in relation to a WSRR object, Saved Search, or Named Query; for example, loading a WSDL document, transitioning a business service to a new lifecycle state. You can also specify conditions to filter the objects for which notification messages are sent; for example, all version 1.0 entities that are classified as being in the "Created" state.

Types of subscription notifier

You can configure the following types of subscription notifier:
You use an email subscription notifier to send a notification email message to a specified email address. This subscription notifier is supplied with WSRR.
You use an HTTP POST notifier to send a notification HTTP POST message to a specified URL. This subscription notifier is supplied with WSRR.
You write your own Java class and have that class invoked automatically in response to user operations.
You use a custom subscription notifier to implement your own type of notification mechanism; for example:
  • A JMS notifier that publishes notifications to a JMS Topic.
  • An SMS notifier that sends SMS text messages over a telephone network.

User operations to which you can subscribe

You can subscribe to any or all of the following operations:
  • Creating an entity.
  • Deleting an entity.
  • Updating an entity.
  • Transitioning an entity to a new lifecycle state.
  • Making an entity governable.
  • Removing governance from an entity.
  • Attaching a policy to an entity.
  • Detaching a policy from an entity.
  • Calling the governance API validate method for an entity.
Notification messages are sent only for the user operations that you specify.

Filtering the subscribed objects

You can specify the following conditions to filter the set of objects for which notification messages are sent:
Target classifications

A list containing possible object classification URIs. Notifications are sent only if an object is classified with either a classification URI specified explicitly in the list or a classification URI derived from a parent classification specified in the list.

For example, you can specify that notifications are to be sent only if an object is classified as Operational or Retired.

Target transitions

A list containing the classification URIs for the lifecycle transitions for which you want notifications to be sent. Notifications are sent only if an object undergoes one of the listed transitions.

For example, you can specify that notifications are to be sent only if an object undergoes the ApproveForUse or Retire lifecycle transitions.

Target objects
You can specify the target objects for which you want notifications to be sent, by supplying either the object bsrURI, or the object name, namespace, and version.The target options can also be either a Saved Search or a Named Query, and can optionally be the objects that these queries target.
XPath query
An XPath query that defines the set of objects for which you want notifications to be sent.
The objects so defined are called subscribed objects. If you supply more than one filter condition, the subscribed objects are the target objects that match all the supplied filters.
Note: Notifications are sent not only for the defined set of subscribed objects, but also any objects that are related to a subscribed object through a WSRR relationship.

The following subtopics describe how to subscribe to receive notification messages from the different types of subscription notifier: