Preventing time outs

To prevent time outs of WebSphere® Application Server during the deployment of WSRR, configure the following settings.

Note: You might choose to change these time out settings back to their original values after the deployment is complete.
SOAP Time out
The following error indicates that the time out value must be increased:
[wsadmin] WASX7017E: Exception received while running file
exception information:
[wsadmin] Caused by: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client;
msg=Read timed out;
Read timed out]
Update the value of in <WebSphere Application Server profile directory>/properties/soap.client.props to at least 1800.
Transaction Time out
Set "Total transaction lifetime timeout" to at least 1200 and "Maximum transaction timeout" to at least 3000. These values are set in the WAS administration console in Servers > Application Servers > server-name > Container Settings > Container Services > Transaction Service.
ORB Time out
In some circumstances it is necessary to increase the size of the ORB Service Request timeout to prevent long running operations (such as promotion) being rolled back before they have a chance to complete. The ORB timeout should never be longer than the total transaction timeout. The ORB timeout default value is 180 seconds. In the first instance it should be increased to 360 seconds to see if that is sufficient to allow the operation to complete. After that it should be doubled until it is clear that it is not the limiting factor in any problems. The ORB Service Request timeout can be set be in the WAS administration console in Servers > Application Servers > server-name > Container Settings > Container Services > ORB Service.
HTTP Time out
Create a new WebSphere Application Server variable with the name "protocol_http_timeout_output" and a value set to at least 1800. This variable should have Cell scope. WebSphere variables can be created and edited using the WAS administration console by going to Environment > WebSphere Variables.

For further details about WebSphere Application Server time out settings, see the "Migrating a large Network Deployment configuration with a large number of applications" related link.