
Start the CICS® BAC component in a CICS region.





Use this command to start the CICS BAC component in a CICS region. As soon as CICS BAC is active, the CICS region can accept and process batch request utility server requests.

Note: The KBKM START command is an alternative to starting CICS BAC using the PLTPI program, CBKCMNDS (see Using the CICS BAC PLTPI program for details). If you use the PLT method, you can use the CICS system initialization parameter INITPARM to provide the startup options.


Specifies the processing mode that to be used for the start command.
Startup processing does not set the state of any resources during startup processing. It updates the region control file only with the current state of known resources.
Note: This is the default value only when you are using the KBKM START command. When you start CICS BAC at region startup during PLTPI processing, the default value for the CICSSTARTMODE parameter is SET.
Startup processing reads the records of all resources defined in the region control file and applies their last requested state to the installed CICS resource definitions. As CICS BAC sets each required state in the CICS region, it updates the region control file with information indicating that the state has been set in the CICS region.
Note: Be aware when using the SET option that starting CICS BAC after control has been given to CICS could mean that some resources are open and in use by CICS, contrary to their last requested state in the CICS region control file. Using SET in these circumstances could have undesirable consequences.
Specifies whether a SET FILE command containing the OPENSTATUS parameter will execute against a file that is already at the requested OPENSTATUS. DOALLOPENSTAT must be set to its non-default value to alter the way CICS BAC performs in your environment.
The default value. The parameter and value will not appear in the job log.
The parameter and value will appear in the job log.
Specifies whether files defined as RLS datasets should be UNQUIESCED/QUIESCED when the file is being OPENED/CLOSED. DORLSQUIESCE must be set to its non-default value to alter the way CICS BAC performs in your environment.
The default value. The parameter and value will not appear in the job log.
The parameter and value will appear in the job log.
Specifies the action taken by the CICS BAC request server when it is about to attempt to open a file in the CICS region and the file does not yet have a data set name associated with it. This can occur either during startup processing or when processing a CICS BAC batch request utility SET FILE command. Note that this parameter is ignored if the file is currently allocated to the CICS region; for example, if it is defined by a DD statement in the CICS region JCL.
OPEN processing continues without attempting to alter the file data set name beforehand. This typically results in an open failure unless you use some other method to provide the data set name before the operating system attempts to open the file.
CICS BAC sets the file data set name, as part of the OPEN request, to the primary data set name as specified in the CICS BAC control file record for the file being opened. If the primary data set name is blank, the OPEN request has the same result as if you had specified CONTINUE.
CICS BAC sets the file data set name, as part of the OPEN request, to the alternate data set name as specified in the CICS BAC control file record for the file being opened. If the alternate data set name is blank, the OPEN request has the same result as if you had specified CONTINUE.
TRACEOPTIONS({C0 | options})
Specifies the types of trace entries you want CICS BAC to create. There are eight trace entry types, each controlled by a single bit in the TRACEOPTIONS hexadecimal byte flag. Specify this option only at the direction of a Technical Support representative.
The hexadecimal value C0 is the default trace setting.
Specify the hexadecimal byte flag that represents the type of trace entries CICS BAC is to create, as directed by a Technical Support representative.
TRACESIZE({1000 | number-of-entries})
Specifies the size of the trace table in terms of the number of entries to be traced for diagnostic purposes. Change this value only at the direction of Technical Support.
The default trace size.
Specify the trace table size as requested by Technical Support.