SPE adapter action command overview

This table summarizes the adapter action commands, syntax, and whether you can use the command with data sources, data targets, or both. You can specify the commands on the adapter command line or through map rules.

The commands are not case-sensitive, but the command values are case-sensitive. Choices are separated by the OR symbol | . Optional parameters are enclosed in brackets [ ].

The topics that follow include the short forms of the commands and keywords, and provide the command syntax in railroad track format.

Table 1. SPE adapter command summary
Command Syntax Use with Data Source (GET) Use with Data Target (PUT)
-ADOC [-URL file_URL | -BATCH file_URL [;file_URL]] -ADOC [data_from_map] Yes No
-RDOC {-DOCID doc_ID | -BATCH {doc_ID [;doc_ID]}} -RDOC Yes Yes
-UDOC -DOCID doc_ID [-URL file_URL] -UDOC [data_from_map] Yes No
-ENVELOPE -DBURL {db_URL | db_cfg_file} [-DBUSER user_name] [-DBPSWD password] -DBDRIVER driver_name [-DBSCHEMA schema_name] {-URL file_URL | -DOCID doc_ID | -BATCH {doc_ID [;doc_ID] | file_URL [;file_URL]}} -SENDER sender_ID -RECEIVER receiver_ID -ALIAS acceptor_lookup_alias [-EDISTANDARD edi_standard] [-SENDERQUAL sender_qualifier] [-RECEIVERQUAL receiver_qualifier] [-DEFERRED | -GETDEFERRED [-INTERCHANGE interchange_ID]] -ENVELOPE [-KEEP] [-ALLDOCS] [data_from_map] Yes No
-DEENVELOPE -DBURL {db_URL | db_cfg_file} [-DBUSER user_name] [-DBPSWD password] -DBDRIVER driver_name [-DBSCHEMA schema_name] {-URL file_URL | -DOCID doc_ID | -BATCH {doc_ID [;doc_ID] | file_URL [;file_URL]}} -DEENVELOPE [-KEEP] [-ALLDOCS] [data_from_map] Yes No
-TRANSFORM -DBURL {db_URL | db_cfg_file} [-DBUSER user_name] [-DBPSWD password] -DBDRIVER driver_name [-DBSCHEMA schema_name] -MAP {map_name_in_database | map_file_URL} [-URL file_URL | -DOCID doc_ID] -TRANSFORM [-KEEP] [-ALLDOCS] [data_from_map] Yes No