Refreshing a design updates a database whose design is linked to a template. Design elements that prohibit design replace or refresh are not included in the updates.
If you use a template to refresh or replace the database design, to ensure that the option "Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify" takes effect, select this option as well as the option "Propagate this prohibition of design change" in the design properties of the template.
Use the Refresh Design command to distribute design changes manually from a template to any databases linked to it. Manually refresh the design of a database when:
The following are not changed during an automatic or manual refresh procedure:
Note that the ACL roles are updated (File - Application - Access Control - Roles).
The following components are changed during an automatic or manual refresh procedure if the design element changes in the template:
To set whether a particular design element is subject to design refresh, do not open the design element for editing. Instead, select the design element in the Designer navigator, and look at the Properties view, Design tab.
If "Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify" is checked, the design element will not be affected when you replace or refresh the design.
If working in a template, you might (rarely) also want to check "Propagate this prohibition of design change." This makes the design element in another database, which you refresh from this template, have the "Prohibit" flag checked. This design element is inherited only once, during the initial creation or on the first design refresh/replace after this option is added. This is appropriate for design elements that you expect people to customize in the inheriting database; for instance, it might be a view whose selection formula is customized by the database manager using a configuration UI.