Global objects and functions (JavaScript)

Global objects provide entry points to server-side scripts. Entering the name of a global object instantiates it.

Server-side scripting supports Global objects and Global functions.

Global objects

The following table lists the global objects.

Global object name Description
applicationScope (JavaScript) A com.sun.faces.context.ApplicationMap object that allows you to share values across pages for the duration of an application.
context An XSPContext object that provides access to the database server, the user browser, and other objects.
cookie A com.sun.faces.context.RequestCookieMap object that provides an immutable map of the cookie values for the current request, keyed by cookie name.
currentDocument A NotesXspDocument object that represents the closest document in the current context.
database A$XPagesDatabase object that represents the IBM® Domino® database currently being used as a data source.
document1, document2, and so on A NotesXspDocument object that represents a Domino document data source. These are default names which you may have changed. Use currentDocument to access the current data source.
facesContext A object that represents the faces context instance for the current request.
header A com.sun.faces.context.RequestHeaderMap object that provides an immutable map of HTTP header values for the current request, keyed by header name. Only the first value for each header name is included.
headerValues A com.sun.faces.context.RequestHeaderValuesMap object that provides an immutable map of String arrays containing all of the header values for HTTP headers in the current request, keyed by header name.
initParam A com.sun.faces.context.InitParameterMap object that provides an immutable map of the context initialization parameters for this web application.
param A com.sun.faces.context.RequestParameterMap object that provides an immutable map of the request parameters for this request, keyed by parameter name. Only the first value for each parameter name is included.
paramValues An com.sun.faces.context.RequestParameterValuesMap object that provides an immutable map of String arrays containing all of the parameter values for request parameters in the current request, keyed by parameter name.
requestScope (JavaScript) A com.sun.faces.context.RequestMap object that allows you to share values across pages for the duration of a request.
session A lotus.domino.local.Session object that represents the current Domino session with credentials based on the user.
sessionAsSigner A lotus.domino.local.Session object that represents the current Domino session with credentials based on the XPage signer.
sessionAsSignerWithFullAccess A lotus.domino.local.Session object that represents the current Domino session with credentials based on the XPage signer with full access.
sessionScope (JavaScript) A com.sun.faces.context.SessionMap object that allows you to share values across pages for the duration of a session.
view A object that represents the UI view root of the current component tree.
view1, view2, and so on A lotus.domino.local.View object that represents a Domino view data source. Names are user assigned and may differ.
viewScope A javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot$ViewMap object that allows you to share values across a view.

Global functions

Global functions can be called directly from server-side scripts. The following table lists the global functions.
Global function name Description
getClientId(id:string) : string Gets a client-side identifier for a UI component.
getComponent (Global objects and functions - JavaScript)(id:string) : javax.faces.component.UIComponent Gets the base object for a UI component.
getForm() : javax.faces.component.UIForm Gets the form presented to the user.
getLabelFor (Global objects and functions - JavaScript)(component:javax.faces.component.UIComponent) : javax.faces.component.UIComponent Gets the base object for the label associated with a UI component.
getView() : javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot Gets the root of the component tree.
save() : void Saves the current state.

This documentation refers to the following products: IBM Domino, IBM Domino Designer, IBM Notes®, IBM iNotes®, and IBM Notes Traveler.

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