NotesXSLTResultTarget (JavaScript)

Contains the result of a transformation by the XSL processor.


This class is a wrapper for NotesXSLTResultTarget in the com.lotus.xsl package.

An instance of this class provides a container for the XSLT result tree. XSLTResultTarget extends java.lang.Object.

XSLTResultTarget has the following constructors and methods.
Constructor or method Description
NotesXSLTResultTarget() Creates a new output target.
NotesXSLTResultTarget(node:DOMNode) Creates a new output target using a DOM node.
NotesXSLTResultTarget( Creates a new output target using a character stream.
NotesXSLTResultTarget( Creates a new output target using a byte stream.
NotesXSLTResultTarget(str:string) Creates a new output target using a file name or URL.
getByteStream() : Gets the byte stream for the output target.
getCharacterStream() : Gets the character stream for the output target.
getEncoding() : string Gets the character encoding, or null for no encoding.
getFilename() : string Gets the file name or URL for the output target.
getNode() : DOMNode Gets the DOM node for the output target.
setByteStream( : void Sets a byte stream for the output target.
setCharacterStream( : void Sets a character stream for the output target.
setFilename(filename:string) : void Sets a file name or URL for the output target.
setNode(node:DOMNode) : void Sets a DOM node for the output target.

Language cross-reference

XSLTResultTarget property in Java™ View class

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