NotesDatabase (JavaScript)

Represents a Notes® database.


To access the current database, use the database global object.
Other ways to access a database include:
  • To access an existing database when you know its server and file name, use getDatabase in NotesSession.
  • To access an existing database when you know its server and replica ID, use openDatabaseByReplicaID in NotesDbDirectory.
  • To locate an existing database when you know its server but not its file name, use the NotesDbDirectory class.
  • To access the current user's mail database, use openMailDatabase in NotesDbDirectory.
  • To open the default Web Navigator database, use getURLDatabase in NotesSession.
  • To access the available Domino Directories and Personal Address Books, use getAddressBooks in NotesSession.
  • To test for the existence of a database with a specific server and file name before accessing it, use openDatabase or openDatabaseIfModified in NotesDbDirectory.
  • To create a new database from an existing database, use createCopy, createFromTemplate, or createReplica.
  • To create a new database from scratch, use createDatabase in NotesDbDirectory.
  • To access a database when you have a contained object such as NotesView, NotesDocument, NotesDocumentCollection, NotesACL, or NotesAgent, use the appropriate Parent (or ParentDatabase) property.

A database must be open before you can use all the properties and methods in the corresponding Database object. In most cases, the class library automatically opens a database for you. But see isOpen for the exceptions.

Domino throws an exception when you attempt to perform an operation for which the user does not have appropriate access. The properties and methods that you can successfully use on a NotesDatabase object are determined by these factors:
  • The user's access level to the database, as determined by the database access control list. The ACL determines if the user can open a database, add documents to it, remove documents from it, modify the ACL, and so on.
  • The user's access level to the server on which the database resides, as determined by the Server document in the Domino Directory.


This computed field displays the name of the local names.nsf database.
var db: NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase("", "names", false);
if (db != null) {
	return db.getTitle();
} else {
	return "No local names.nsf"

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