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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

IsSaveMessageOnSend property

Read-Write. Indicates whether a document is saved to a database when mailed. Applies only to new documents that have not yet been saved.

Defined in


Data type



public boolean isSaveMessageOnSend()

throws NotesException
public void setSaveMessageOnSend(boolean flag)

throws NotesException

Legal values


When SaveMessageOnSend is true, the document is saved just after being mailed.

Language cross-reference

SaveMessageOnSend property in LotusScript NotesDocument class

@MailSavePreference function in formula language

See examples

Examples: send method and IsSaveMessageOnSend, IsSigned, and SignerVerifier properties
Related topics
Accessing document properties in Java classes
Mailing a document in Java classes

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009