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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

FilePath property

Read-only. The path and file name of a database.

Defined in


Data type



public String getFilePath()

throws NotesException


If the database is open and on the Notes workstation, FilePath returns the complete path (for example, C:\Notes\data\sub\db.nsf).

If the database is on a Domino server, or closed on the Notes workstation, FilePath returns the path relative to the data directory (for example, sub\db.nsf).

If the database is accessed through a directory or database link, FilePath returns the link location if the code is running locally (even if the database is on a server) so that the database appears to be where the link is. FilePath returns the actual database location if the code is running on a server (for example, a scheduled agent).

A database does not need to be open to use this property.

Language cross-reference

FilePath property in LotusScript NotesDatabase class

@DbName in formula language

See examples

Examples: FilePath property
Related topics
Accessing database properties

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009