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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

Examples: @NameLookup

You have three Domino Directories on your local environment, namely, Names_A.nsf, Names_B.nsf, and Names_C.nsf. Each Directory has the following entries:


View: ($Users)

Does not exist



User: Katsushi

User: Katsushi

Item: Katsushi_A

User: Katsushi

Item: Katsushi_B

User: Katsushi

Item: Katsushi_C

User: Jones

User: Jones

Item: Jones_A

User: Jones

Item: Jones_B1

Item: Jones_B2

Does not exist

User: Smith

User: Smith

Item: Smith_A

Does not exist

User: Smith

Item: Smith_C

User: Yoshito

Does not exist

Does not exist

Does not exist

  1. The following formulas return "Katsushi_B" : "Jones_B1" : "Smith_C" : ""
  2. @NameLookup ( [NoUpdate]; "Katsushi":"Jones":"Smith": 
    "Yoshito"; "Item")
    @NameLookup ( [ForceUpdate]; "Katsushi":"Jones":"Smith": 
    "Yoshito"; "Item")
  3. The following formula returns "Katsushi_B" : "Jones_B1" :"" : ""
  4. @NameLookup ( [NoSearching]; "Katsushi":"Jones":"Smith": 
    "Yoshito"; "Item")
  5. The following formula returns "Katsushi_B" : "Katsushi_C" : "Jones_B1" : "Jones_B2" : "Smith_C"
  6. @NameLookup ( [Exhaustive]; "Katsushi":"Jones":"Smith": 
    "Yoshito"; "Item")
  7. If the current user is a software engineer, the following code, when added as the default value for a field, displays SOFTWARE ENGINEER.
  8. @NameLookup([Exhaustive];@UserName;"JobTitle")
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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009