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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1


Brings up a dialog box that displays the current document (either open or selected in a view). The dialog box shares fields with the underlying document. The user interacts with the dialog box as usual, clicking OK or Cancel when finished.

This function can be used with any form, but it's particularly useful with forms that contain a single table or layout region, because the user can interact with the table or layout region as if it were a dialog box.





Text. The name of the form.


Keyword. Optional. Scales the dialog box horizontally to fit the first layout region or table on the form. Otherwise, the dialog box is not scaled horizontally.


Keyword. Optional. Scales the dialog box vertically to fit the first layout region or table on the form. Otherwise, the dialog box is not scaled vertically.


Keyword. Optional. Does not display the Cancel button. Otherwise, the dialog box contains the Cancel button.


Keyword. Optional. Does not add fields to the underlying document that are in the dialog box form but not the underlying form. Otherwise, all dialog box fields are passed to the underlying document.


Keyword. Optional. Does not pass edits from the fields in the dialog box to the underlying document (for example, if you're passing the edits somewhere else in a QueryClose script for the dialog box form). Otherwise, the edits are passed to the underlying form.


Keyword. Optional. Prohibits writing to the dialog box (for example, if you are using the dialog box to display a Help screen). Otherwise, the dialog box is read-write. Use of this keyword implies [NoCancel].


Note This parameter is new with Release 5.

Keyword. Optional. Applies [AUTOHORZFIT] and [AUTOVERTFIT] to the first table on the form. Otherwise, they are applied to the first layout region on the form.


Note This parameter is new with Release 5.

Keyword. Optional. Does not display the OK button. Otherwise, the dialog box contains the OK button. Using this keyword prevents any changes made in the dialog box from being reflected in the current document. If you want the current document to be updated, but don't want an OK button to display, include a hotspot button that executes the RefreshParentNote @command.


Note This parameter is new with Release 6.

Keyword. Optional. Displays the OK and/or Cancel buttons side-by-side at the bottom right of the dialog box. Otherwise, the buttons appear stacked at the top right.


Note This parameter is new with Release 7.

Keyword. Optional. Allows the @Dialogbox function to be used without requiring a current document. If a current document exists, it will be ignored. Using this keyword implies [NOFIELDUPDATE] and [NONEWFIELDS] even if they are not explicitly specified. Using this keyword means that values are not passed from an underlying document to the dialog box; the only values displayed are default formula values. If the [NONOTE] parameter is not specified, a current document is required.


Text. The title of the dialog box. Defaults to "Lotus Notes."

Return value


@True (1) if the user clicks OK, @False (0) otherwise. If the user clicks OK, corresponding fields are updated (see "Sharing of field values" below) unless [NOFIELDUPDATE] or [NONOTE] is in effect.


This function is useful in buttons for actions. It does not work in column or selection formulas, or in agents that run on a server (mail and scheduled agents). It is not intended for use in window title or form formulas. It can be used with any form, but it's particularly useful with forms that contain a single table or layout region, because the user can interact with the table or layout region as if it were a dialog box.

@DialogBox cannot return data from a rich text field.

You cannot use this function in Web applications.

If the form contains actions on the action bar, they are not displayed in the dialog box.

[AUTOHORZFIT] and [AUTOVERTFIT] allow you to display an entire layout region (no [SIZETOTABLE]) or table ([SIZETOTABLE]) in a dialog box without displaying the rest of the form. If the form has more than one layout region or table, the first is used. For best results:

If [AUTOHORZFIT] and [AUTOVERTFIT] are both omitted, the entire form is used and no sizing takes place. If the form contains no layout region (no [SIZETOTABLE]) or table ([SIZETOTABLE]), the entire form is used and no sizing takes place.

Sharing of field values

@DialogBox displays the current document using a different form. This means:

Language cross-reference

DialogBox method of LotusScript NotesUIWorkspace class

See examples

Examples: @DialogBox
Related topics
DialogBox method
Filling out a form with @DialogBox
RefreshParentNote @Command

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009