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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1


Given the name of a database as a text string, returns a text string containing the DB2 schema of that database if it is a db2nsf database or the empty string if it is not a db2nsf database.

Note This @function is new with Release 7.


@DB2Schema( server : file )

@DB2Schema( server ; replicaID )



Text. The name of the server.


Text. The path and file name of the database. Specify the database path and file name using the appropriate format for the operating system.


Text. The replica ID of the database.

Return value


Text. The DB2 schema of the nsf database indicated by server : file or server ; replicaID. The empty string ("") is returned if the database is a non-DB2 database. Returns an error via @Error if:


@DB2Schema is intended to be used with Query Views, where a DB2 SQL query returns a result set for display. This SQL query is an evaluated formula, and may incorporate @functions in the query formula, the evaluation of which results in the text string of the SQL executed in DB2. To SELECT from a Domino Access View (DAV) within the current db2nsf's schema, the DAV table must be qualified by the schema name. Otherwise, DB2 uses the accessing user's name as the schema name. @DB2Schema allows the schema name to be dynamically specified within a query formula.

This function also works in all contexts where @function use is supported, including view selection formulas, and column formulas.

See examples

Examples: @DB2Schema
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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009