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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

CreateViewNavFromAllUnread method

Creates a view navigator for all unread entries in a view.

Note This method is new with Release 8.

Defined in



Set notesViewNavigator = notesView.CreateViewNavFromAllUnread( [username] )



String. Optional. If present, the method returns a NotesViewNavigator containing all documents unread on behalf of the given name. If omitted, the method returns a NotesViewNavigator containing all documents unread on behalf of the current user ID.

Return value


A NotesViewNavigator object.


If the database does not track unread marks, all documents are considered read. The navigator contains all entries even if the view is filtered for a full-text search.

Language cross-reference

createViewNavFromAllUnread method in Java View class

See examples

Examples: CreateViewNavFromAllUnread method

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009