Uninstalling with the server setup application and Installation Manager

If you used the IBM® Rational® Asset Manager server setup application to deploy Rational Asset Manager applications, you can use the Server Setup application and the Uninstall wizard in IBM Installation Manager to remove some of the applications, but you must manually remove some settings and configurations.


  1. In a web browser, open the Rational Asset Manager server setup application and log in as an administrator. Because the server is configured, the summary page will open.
  2. Click the Deployment step.
  3. Click Next.
  4. For every application that you want to remove, click Uninstall.
  5. If you used Installation Manager to deploy the server setup application, you can use the Uninstall wizard in Installation Manager to remove it. Next:
    • If you used the included IBM WebSphere® Application Server, Installation Manager will also remove WebSphere Application Server. You're all done.
    • If you installed onto an existing WebSphere Application Server there might be additional files and settings to clean up.
  6. Open the IBM WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
  7. Locate and delete the storage directories for Rational Asset Manager:
    1. Click Resources > URLs.
    2. Click All scopes.
    3. Many variables are displayed, such as RAM Persist, RAM Local, and RAM Index.
    4. Click every variable and note the values of the variables, which are directories.
    5. Delete all files and folders in those directories. On a WebSphere Application Server ND environment, the Persist directory is a single shared directory, and there is an Index and Local directory for every node in the cluster.
    6. After you delete all of the directories, delete all the variables that are named RAM Persist, RAM Local, RAM Index, and RAM CQJRE
  8. Delete the data sources for Rational Asset Manager. Repeat the following steps for each of the data sources with the JNDI names jdbc/RAM_Con, jdbc/CCM_Con, and jdbc/JTS_Con.
    1. Locate and click the data source. For instance, click jdbc/RAM_Con.
      • If you are using a stand-alone server, you might find the data source under the Server scope.
      • If you are using a network server, you might find the data source under the cluster where Rational Asset Manager was installed.
    2. Note the name of the component-managed authentication alias that the data source uses.
    3. Delete the data source.
    4. Navigate to Security > Global security > Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C Authentication Data.
    5. Delete the entry whose name matches the component-managed authentication alias that you noted.
  9. If you installed Rational Team Concert™ onto your server or cluster, delete the data source for Rational Team Concert:
    1. Locate and click the data source with the JNDI name jdbc/RTC_Con
      • If you are using a stand-alone server, you might find it under the Server scope.
      • If you are using a network server, you might find it under the server where Rational Team Concert was installed.
    2. Note the name of the component-managed authentication alias that the data source uses.
    3. Delete the data source.
    4. Navigate to Security > Global security > Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C Authentication Data.
    5. Delete the entry whose name matches the component-managed authentication alias that you noted.
  10. Optional: If your server is a network deployment cluster, delete the system integration bus.
    1. Navigate to Service Integration > Buses.
    2. Delete the bus named RAMBus.
    3. Navigate to Resources > JMS > Connection Factories.
    4. Delete the factory named RAM Factory. It might be under the scope of the cluster where Rational Asset Manager was installed.
    5. Navigate to Resources > JMS > Topics.
    6. Delete the topic named RAM Cache. It might be located under the scope of the cluster where Rational Asset Manager was installed.
  11. If necessary, manually uninstall each enterprise or web archive to be removed from the application server:
    1. Click Applications > Application types.
    2. Click WebSphere enterprise applications.
    3. Select each of the following applications that remain:
      1. RAM1WebApplication
      2. com.ibm.ram.repository.setup.web.ear (Installation Manager might have removed this application for you)
      3. ramhelp_warRAMversionString or ramhelp_war (or iehs_war for Rational Asset Manager or earlier)
      4. ramjazz_war
      5. ramjts_war
      6. ramccm_war
      7. rmcabdgovernprocess_war
    4. Click Uninstall.
  12. Delete custom properties for IBM Rational Team Concert™:
    1. Click Servers > Server types > WebSphere Application Servers.
    2. Click the name of the server where you deployed Rational Team Concert.
    3. Click Java and Process Management.
    4. Click Process Definition.
    5. Click Java Virtual Machine.
    6. Click Custom Properties.
    7. Select the following properties:
      1. JAZZ_HOME (the value of this variable will be a folder on your hard drive that you will have to delete)
      2. java.awt.headless
      3. org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin.doNotLoadResourcesPlugin
      4. (if you used an Oracle database) ORACLE_JDBC
      5. (if you used a Microsoft SQL Server database) SQLSERVER_JDBC
    8. Click Delete.
  13. Stop the server. On a cluster, you only need to stop the application server that was running Rational Team Concert.
  14. Navigate to the following directory on your hard drive: WebSphere_install_directory\profiles\profile_name\temp\server_name\
  15. In the server_name directory, delete the following directories:
    • RAM1WebApplication
    • ramhelp_warRAMversionString or ramhelp_war (or iehs_war for Rational Asset Manager or earlier)
    • rmcabdgovernprocess_war
    • ramjazz_war (In a WebSphere Application Server ND environment, this folder is only on the computer with the application server that was running Rational Team Concert
    • ramjts_war
    • ramccm_war

    For a WebSphere Application Server Cluster, delete the above directories on every physical computer in the cell.

  16. Navigate to the following directory on your hard drive: WebSphere_install_directory\profiles\profile_name\config\cells\cell_name\. On a cluster, this directory will be in a subdirectory of the profile of the machine where Deployment Manager is installed.
  17. In the cell_name directory, delete the RTC, ram_jdbc, and ramSharedLibs directories.
