Deploying the Rational Asset Manager server applications on Tomcat 6 or 7

You can manually install IBM® Rational® Asset Manager on an installation of Apache Tomcat.

Before you begin

You must have administrative and file access to a Tomcat server that is installed and running.

You must know the location of the following JDBC .jar files for your database server:
  • For IBM DB2: db2jcc4.jar. If you are using z/OS®, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar.
  • For Oracle:ojdbc6.jar. If you are using Oracle 10, still use the ojdbc6.jar file for Oracle 11. You can download the files from Oracle.
  • For Microsoft SQL Server:sqljdbc4.jar. You can download the files from Microsoft.

About this task

You can improve the performance and stability of Rational Asset Manager by installing its web applications and the application files for the included IBM Rational Team Concert™ on separate Tomcat servers. Throughout this document, the installation directory for the Tomcat server for Rational Asset Manager is referred to as tomcat_install_directory. The installation directory for the Tomcat server for Rational Team Concert is tomcat_for_rtc_install_directory. If you are installing all the web applications on the same Tomcat server, the directories are the same.

Note: If you intend to deploy Rational Asset Manager and the included Rational Team Concert on different Tomcat server applications on the same machine, make sure that you have configured the different Tomcat servers to use different secure and unsecured ports to avoid collisions. For more information about ports in Tomcat, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.


  1. Verify that all of the repository servers are set to the same current date, time, and time zone.
  2. Retrieve the application files on the appropriate archive for Tomcat and for your operating system. The application files are in the archive_extract_location/apps/tomcat/ folder.
  3. Extract the shared library files to the tomcat_install_directory\lib folder:
    1. Find and extract the archive_extract_location\apps\tomcat\ file.
    2. Copy the entire contents of the extracted file to the tomcat_install_directory\lib directory.
    3. If you are installing Rational Team Concert on a different Tomcat server, copy the extracted contents of the file to the tomcat_for_rtc_install_directory\shared\lib directory for the other Tomcat server. For Tomcat 6 or 7, copy the extracted contents of the file to the tomcat_for_rtc_install_directory\lib directory for the other Tomcat server.
    4. For Tomcat 6 or 7, find and extract the archive_extract_location\apps\tomcat\ file.
  4. For Windows: For Linux:For AIX: Extract the library files for Rational Licensing Key Server V8.1.2 to the tomcat_install_directory\lib folder:
    Important: If you are installing on Linux for zSeries, do not complete this step.
    1. Find and extract the archive_extract_location\sharedLibs\ file.
    2. From the extracted .zip file, find the file for your operating system and architecture. For example, the file for 32-bit Windows is in the win32 directory.
    3. Extract the contents of the appropriate file.
    4. Copy the entire contents of the extracted file to the tomcat_install_directory\shared\lib directory. For Tomcat 6 or 7, copy the entire contents of the extracted file to the tomcat_install_directory\lib directory.
  5. For Windows: For Linux:For AIX: Modify the startup script for the Tomcat server for Rational Asset Manager:
    Important: If you are installing on Linux for zSeries, do not complete this step
    1. Find the Tomcat startup file and open it in a text editor. On Windows, this file is tomcat_install_directory\bin\startup.bat. On Linux, AIX®, or Linux for zSeries, it is tomcat_install_directory/bin/
    2. In the startup file, type the following text:
      • For Windows:
        set JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.library.path="tomcat_install_directory\lib"
      • For Linux:For AIX:
        export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=tomcat_install_directory/lib"
  6. From the archive_extract_location/apps/tomcat/ directory, copy the following files to the tomcat_install_directory/webapps/ directory:
    • ramhelp.war
    • rmcabdgovernprocess.war
  7. To change the context path of the applications, rename the WAR application files. Use the following names.
    Table 1. Context paths for Rational Asset Manager web application files
    Original file name New file name Resulting context path What is it? ram.war ram Rational Asset Manager primary web application for Tomcat Rational Asset Manager web services application for Tomcat
    ramhelp.war Rational Asset Manager help and user assistance application
    rmcabdgovernprocess.war ram.process.war ram.process Documentation application for asset-based development and governance processes
  8. Configure the Tomcat server for Rational Asset Manager to access your database:
    1. In a text editor, open the tomcat_install_directory\conf\server.xml file.
    2. Find any lines in server.xml that begin with <Connector and that contain port="8080" or port="8009". Change the beginnings of these lines to <Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8".
    3. Between the opening and closing tags for Global JNDI resources, <GlobalNamingResources> and </GlobalNamingResources>, enter the following text for your version of Tomcat.
      Note: For the values your_username and your_password, use a user ID and password that have full administrative access to the database. For example, the "url" attribute might look like jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/RAMDB
    Enter this text for your database server, replacing the following variables:
    • In the username and password attributes, replace your_username and your_password with a user ID and password that have full administrative access to the database server.
    • In the url attribute, replace fully_qualified_database_server_name and database_port_number with the server address and port number for your database, and replace Rational_Asset_Manager_database_name with the name of the database for assets. For example, for DB2®, the url attribute might look like jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/RAMDB.
    • The values shown for the maxWait, maxActive, and maxIdle attributes are sample values and can be adjusted according to your performance needs.
    • For IBM DB2:
      <Resource name="jdbc/RAM_Con"
    • For Oracle:
      <Resource name="jdbc/RAM_Con"
    • For Microsoft SQL Server:
      <Resource name="jdbc/RAM_Con"
  9. Configure the Tomcat server for single sign-on for all applications:
    1. In a text editor, open the tomcat_install_directory\conf\server.xml file.
    2. Search for the following text:
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
    3. Uncomment the <Valve> element:
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
    4. If you are not running Tomcat as a service, in a text editor, open the startup.bat file (on Microsoft Window) or the file (on Linux). Add the following line to the file. For Microsoft Windows:
      SET JAVA_OPTS=" -Dorg.apache.catalina.authenticator.Constants.SSO_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME=JSSOSESSIONID"
      For Linux:
      export JAVA_OPTS=" -Dorg.apache.catalina.authenticator.Constants.SSO_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME=JSSOSESSIONID"
    5. If you are running Tomcat as a service, add the following options to the service install command that you use to install Tomcat as a service: --JvmOptions "-Xrs; -Dorg.apache.catalina.authenticator.Constants.SSO_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME=JSSOSESSIONID"
  10. Copy the following JAR files to the tomcat_install_directory\common\lib folder:
    • For IBM DB2:
      • db2jcc4.jar
      • db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar (If you are using z/OS.)
    • For Oracle:
      • ojdbc6.jar (You can download this file from Oracle. If you are using Oracle 10, download a package for Oracle 11 to find the ojdbc6.jar file.)
    • For Microsoft SQL Server:
    These files are available from your database provider, most likely in the /java/ folder of your database installation.
  11. Configure the Tomcat server for user security. If you intend to use LDAP security, first use file-based security to configure the applications, and after you configure the applications, switch to LDAP authentication. For more information, see Configuring LDAP authentication for Tomcat.
    1. In a text editor, open the tomcat_install_directory\conf\tomcat-users.xml file.
    2. Add a user named admin and assign that user the admin and manager roles. To add this user, you can copy and paste the following text between the <tomcat-users> tags:
      <user username="admin" password="" roles="admin,manager" />

      This user must be named admin.

  12. Depending on your setup, either deploy or configure Rational Team Concert.
