Accessibility features

Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.

The accessible client for the web client is the ultra-light mode on a personal computer, using Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later.

The ultra-light mode supports these accessibility features provided by the Mozilla Firefox browser:

  • Keyboard-only operation - Keyboard navigation is available using your browser's shortcut keys and a set of access keys. For the list of access keys, see the topic Ultra-light Mode Icon Reference.
  • Interfaces that are commonly used by screen readers - Those with limited vision can use screen-reader software, along with a digital speech synthesizer, to listen to what is displayed on the screen.

Accessible version or versions of the product documentation are available on the Notes and Domino wiki.

Note: See the IBM® Human Ability and Accessibility Center for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.