Configuring security profiles for the xscmd utility

By creating a security profile, you can use saved security parameters to use the xscmd utility with secure environments.

Before you begin

For more information about setting up the xscmd utility, see Administering with the xscmd utility.

About this task

You can use the -ssp profile_name or --saveSecProfile profile_name parameter with the rest of your xscmd command to save a security profile. The profile can contain settings for user names and passwords, credential generators, keystores, truststores, and transport types.

The ProfileManagement command group in the xscmd utility contains commands for managing your security profiles.


  • Save a security profile.
    To save a security profile, use the -ssp profile_name or --saveSecProfile profile_name parameter with the rest of your command. Adding this parameter to your command saves the following parameters:
     -al,--alias <alias>
     -arc,--authRetryCount <integer>
     -ca,--credAuth <support>
     -cgc,--credGenClass <className>
     -cgp,--credGenProps <property>
     -cxpv,--contextProvider <provider>
     -ks,--keyStore <filePath>
     -ksp,--keyStorePassword <password>
     -kst,--keyStoreType <type>
     -prot,--protocol <protocol>
     -pwd,--password <password>
     -ts,--trustStore <filePath>
     -tsp,--trustStorePassword <password>
     -tst,--trustStoreType <type>
     -tt,--transportType <type>
     -user,--username <username>
    [Version and later] -fips140_2,--fips140_2 <type>
     -sp800_131,--sp800_131 <type>
    Security profiles are saved in the user_home\.xscmd\profiles\security\<profile_name>.properties file.
    Important: Do not include the .properties file name extension on the profile_name parameter. This extension is automatically added to the file name.
  • Use a saved security profile.

    To use a saved security profile, add the -sp profile_name or --securityProfile profile_name parameter to the command you are running.

    Command example: xscmd -c listHosts -cep -sp myprofile
  • List the commands in the ProfileManagement command group.

    Run the following command: xscmd -lc ProfileManagement.

  • List the existing security profiles.

    Run the following command: xscmd -c listProfiles -v.

  • Display the settings that are saved in a security profile.

    Run the following command: xscmd -c showProfile -pn profile_name.

  • Remove an existing security profile.

    Run the following command: xscmd -c RemoveProfile -pn profile_name.