Retrieving eXtreme Scale environment information with the xscmd utility

You can use the xscmd utility with the -c showinfo command to view important details about the servers running in your WebSphere® eXtreme Scale environment, including: WebSphere eXtreme Scale servers, Java™ virtual machines, and (if applicable) servers running with WebSphere Application Server. Issue this command to retrieve name and version information, hostname and IP address, and the installation directories of these servers. Using -c showinfo command lets you retrieve these details without having to check log files, directories, or use third party applications.


  • Ensure that at least one of your catalog servers is running. If you want to retrieve environment details for your entire eXtreme Scale domain, then ensure that all of your servers are running.
    To retrieve environment information for your entire eXtreme Scale domain, issue:[Windows]
    xscmd.bat –c showinfo 
    ./ –c showinfo 
    The command returns all information about the servers running in your environment.
  • To retrieve information about a specific server, use the -s parameter and specify the name of the server.
    xscmd.bat –c showinfo –s <server_name>
    ./ –c showinfo –s <server_name>
  • To view a list of servers, use the -sl parameter.
    xscmd.bat –c showinfo –sl  <server_name>[,<server_name>]
    ./ –c showinfo –sl  <server_name>[,<server_name>]
  • To retrieve environment information for a specific set of servers running on a particular host, use the -hf parameter and provide the name of the host.
    xscmd.bat –c showinfo –hf <host_name>
    ./ –c showinfo –hf <host_name>