Creating a configuration profile for the xsadmin utility

You can save your frequently specified parameters for the xsadmin utility in a properties file. As a result, the xsadmin utility calls are shorter.

Before you begin

Create a basic deployment of WebSphere® eXtreme Scale that includes at least one catalog server and at least one container server. For more information, see startOgServer script (ORB).

About this task

See xsadmin utility reference for a list of the properties that you can put in a configuration profile for the xsadmin utility. If you specify both a properties file and a corresponding parameter as a command line argument, the command line argument overrides the properties file value.


  1. Create a configuration profile properties file.
    This properties file should contain any global properties that you want to use in all your xsadmin command invocations.

    Save the properties file with any name you choose. For example, you might place the file in the following path: /opt/ibm/WebSphere/wxs71/ObjectGrid/security/<>.

    Replace <> the name of your file.

    For example, you might set the following properties in your file:
    • XSADMIN_TRUST_PATH=/opt/ibm/WebSphere/wxs71/ObjectGrid/bin/security/key.jks
    • XSADMIN_USERNAME=ogadmin
  2. Run the xsadmin utility with the properties file that you created.
    Use the -profile parameter to indicate the location of your properties file. You can also use the -v parameter to display verbose output.
    ./ -l -v -password xsadmin -ssl -trustPass ogpass -profile 