Tutorial: Running eXtreme Scale bundles in the OSGi framework

The OSGi sample builds on the Google Protocol Buffers serializer samples. When you complete this set of lessons, you will have run the serializer sample plug-ins in the OSGi framework.

This sample demonstrates the OSGi bundles. The serializer plug-in is incidental and is not required. The OSGi sample is available on the WebSphere eXtreme Scale samples gallery. You must download the sample, and extract it into the wxs_home/samples directory. The root directory for the OSGi sample is wxs_home/samples/OSGiProto.

The command examples in this tutorial assume that you are running on the UNIX operating system. You must adjust the command example to run on a Windows operating system.

Learning objectives

After completing the lessons in this tutorial, you will understand the OSGi sample concepts and know how to complete the following objectives:
  • Install the WebSphere® eXtreme Scale server bundle into the OSGi container to start the eXtreme Scale server.
  • Set up your eXtreme Scale development environment to run the sample client.
  • Use the xscmd command to query the service ranking of the sample bundle, upgrade it to a new service ranking, and verify the new service ranking.

Time required

This module takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.


In addition to downloading and extracting the serializer samples, this tutorial also has the following prerequisites: