Lesson 2.1: Define a server to run in the Liberty

Create a server directory and a server.xml server definition file to run in the Liberty.

About this task

In Module 1, you installed the Liberty and WebSphere® eXtreme Scale in the XSWLP/wlp directory. In this lesson, you will create a server directory and a server.xml server definition file in the XSWLP/wlp/bin subdirectory.


  1. Open a command prompt from the XSWLP directory where you installed the Liberty.
  2. Change the directory to the wlp/bin directory; for example, enter cd wlp/bin.
  3. Enter the following command to create the server, where defaultServer is the server name:
    server create defaultServer
    If the command was successful, the following response is displayed:
    Server defaultServer created.


To verify that you created the server definition file, search for the server.xml file in the directory, XSWLP/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer, where defaultServer is the server directory that you created in this lesson. The server.xml file contains the server configuration and Liberty features that client applications use in the Liberty. The defaultServer directory also includes a dropins folder, which you will use in the next lesson to run your eXtreme Scale client applications.

What to do next

After you verify that the defaultServer directory exists, create a folder in that same directory called grids . In the Lesson 2.3, the grids folder is where you will place the XML descriptor files that eXtreme Scale servers need to run.